FIPALIFT Expert: The professional choice for heavy and difficult loads.

FIPALIFT tube lifter Expert, the professional version for heavy loads, is used for handling awkward loads such as boards, plates, sheets and glass panes, but it can also be used for handling sacks, large boxes and cardboard boxes. Its sturdy construction renders it suitable for use in harsh environments such as carpenter’s workshops, sheet metal working operations, the chemical industry and in food production.

The FIPALIFT Expert tube lifter with a lifting force of 30 to 230 kg is particularly suitable for handling heavy plates, glass panes or sheet metal, such as for loading machines, and also for lifting heavy sacks and crates.

The sturdy design permits heavy-duty use in the production environment and is therefore very popular in carpentry, sheet metalworking factories and even in bakeries and logistics centres where particularly heavy loads are involved.

The use of adapters allows the design of any possible load-carrying system for the FIPALIFT Expert tube lifter, using the FIPA gripper modular kit.

Take advantage of our competence in gripper manufacture and adapt the unit to your individual problem without incurring major expenditure.

The standard Basic models are equipped with an easy-to-operate controller. Pulling the operating lever lifts the load, while pushing it down moves the tube down again.

The wide range of options, fitted in the factory, allow us to configure the basic versions to suit the demand:
. Automatic switch-off of the vacuum supply if inactive for longer periods. The time until switch-off of the side channel blower is adjustable
. Partial or full execution of the metal parts in non-rusting stainless steel for use in food production or in a corrosive environment
. A large number of vacuum cups, gripper solutions and cross-beams make the FIPALIFT Expert extremely versatile. The vacuum cross-beams are available both as an accessory and also, on request, as a fitted option
. For special requirements that the standard range does not cover, we can offer uncomplicated special solutions involving the least expenditure




Conchas de sucção oval - Expert (2)
Elevadores de tubo FIPALIFT Expert standard (4)
Levantamento e inclinação de rolos de papel [FIPA]
Solução de manipulação de placas de circuito [FIPA]
Tecnologia de elevação FIPALIFT [FIPA]



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